Shaping up to be a great year

2016 is shaping up to be a great year. We are registered and ready for a new year. We didn't raise our goal of $30,000 last year. There still isnt a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. My promise isn't fullfilled.
The day before Cory passed away, I promised my son that I would be OK. He told me that wasn't enough. He needed me to promise to never give up. I wasn't exactly sure what he meant at the time. I always questioned what I was suppose to do with my life after cystic fibrosis. I knew Cory was dieing and CF wouldnt be the forefront on my life. I was 18 years old when CF came into our lives. As much as I HATE the diesease, it gave me Cory and shaped the person I was. The disease helped teach me patience, compassion, determination, and FIGHT. That was it!!! I wasnt suppose to give up the fight.
So at the beginning of 2015, we put on our boxing gloves and we began to fight. We started the year with a goal of $30,000. I had some great participants that were by my side, helping us fight. We raised almost $8,000 dollars.
Now, its 2016. I am pumped and ready. I have lifted up my head ( from feeling defeated) and we are ready to FIGHT! Last year, I participated in 4 endurance events. This year, I am coming out strong. We are heading into 5 endurance events. This years goals are CF superheros sharmrock shuffle, CF superheros 5K, Cycle for Life 65 mile bike ride, Extreme Hike 21 mile hike, and CF climb 58 flights.
This year we hope to bring you T-Shirts to help keep awareness and Cory's memory alive. A fundraising night of fun and music in which team JustBreatheForCory will come together with TeamJoviRocks for the same mission. Are you ready to dance away CF?
Most importantly, I hope all of YOU that helped support us last year, will be there spreading the word, helping us raise money for CF, and get involved. If you are interested in helping raise money for Team JustBreatheForCory and help put an end to cystic fibrosis, just contact me. Hit that contact button and ask "How can I help?" I always love having teammates.
So for now....Lets start raising money, lets start spreading the word "Team JustbreatheforCory is taking CF down!!"