MC Strong

Today’s blog we take a time out from fundraising, CF and even Cory. I know this sounds like a strange concept from a person that is trying to raise $30,000 and bringing awareness to Cystic Fibrosis.
Tomorrow morning Mike and I will get up at 5:00 am and drive to Normal, Illinois for another cause. This cause is for Michael Collins. Michael was almost 23 years old when he was killed by a drunk driver (right about the same age as Cory). The MC strong movement spread nationwide as the people from all over gave to strangers to honor Michael. Tomorrow the first (of I am sure many) 5K run for the Michael Collins foundation will be held at the Corn Crib. Mike and I will join over 1000 others in the cause of helping Michael’s family raise money for a cause that was important to Michael.
I had the pleasure of working with Michael’s aunt for many years at Unit 5 schools. But that isn’t why I am running. I am running because I admire the strength of Michael’s parents. We both are part of an unspoken “club”. A union that I hope no other mother ever has to be part of. We are grieving parents. We have buried our children. We spend a lifetime grieving, missing our sons, and waiting for the day that we will one day see them again. They have found their strength in the 1000+ people that will be in attendance tomorrow, the mountains of people that “pay it forward” and every time Michael’s name is mentioned. The same way that I find strength in all of you everyday
So tomorrow, I ask of you, to please keep Michael and his family in his prayers along with the thousands of runners joining in honoring Michael. Please visit their website at