Let's talk about CORY

Today is one of the most challenging days there is. Exactly 6 years ago today at 1:15pm, Cory took his last breath. He left this world,left my arms but never my heart.
Picking up and going on without Cory was often an unbearable task. If you were lucky enough to have known Cory, to have him touch your life…you know why!
Cory had the deepest brown eyes, the brightest smile and an understanding of life that many of us don’t accomplish in a lifetime. He was my son, my soul, my best friend, my shopping partner, my comedian, my cuddlier and my heart.
Cystic Fibrosis took my son but I don’t hate CF. CF gave me the son, the person Cory became. Because of his health, we spent more time together than most mothers and sons. We depended on each other for LIFE and BREATH. We share deep thoughts, dark secrets, fears, and successes. We laughed together, cried together. He would stay up late and watch lifetime movies with me, and then laugh at me for crying over the movie I had seen 5 times. Every night, he would kiss me on the head (counting the gray hairs) and tell me “Go to bed old lady. He made sure I knew every new wrinkle or sagging skin. But most important, He always made sure I knew of his love. I always did.
The day before Cory passed away, I was sitting by his bed, stroking his head. The tears were flowing. I couldn’t talk, only cry. I knew we had very little time together and I didn’t know how I was going to go on. Cory had been sleeping most of the day. He was slipping away. But at the moment, he woke up, looked at me and said, “Don’t cry Mom ad he wiped my tears”. Six years later he is still wiping my tears. He reminds me how to have strength when there doesn’t seem to be any left, to love life at all cost, to remember that everything is worth it, and most importantly…To never give up
So to everyone reading this….Lets not give up. There are still people suffering with Cystic Fibrosis, there are still mothers grieving the loss of their children, and there are still new babies being diagnosis with Cystic Fibrosis. I challenge you today. If you thought of Cory today, if you thought of one person with Cystic Fibrosis today, please go to one of the links and donate. Lets make this goal a reality and help make this day, this year one step closer to a cure….Lets do it for Cory, so Cory knows….We never gave up!